Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One More Day

I am happy today; its going by almost fast. Also today i need to ask If i can have Oct 10th Columbus day off work.  I hope i can or that my boss gets back to me soon about it. Since i would like to but the tickets tomorrow. I am really happy i am going to see my family. I will get to hangout with my mom and grandma. I love going on air planes normally I don't go alone, but i feel i can do this by myself. I will have to check a bag, since i have so many products like makeup and shush.I actually get really excited when it gets close to the day I'm leaving and having to back my bags. I need to make sure i have at least two twenty's with me; since i will probably get hungry. I want to bring my word search too; not sure why but i have been loving those lately. I'm having my brothers girlfriend pick me up so I surprise my family. Cause i don't want them knowing the exact dates of when i am visiting.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Windy Days

To day has so far been quite nice. I Just finished watering the flowers. I am also going to wash the hardwood floors. Not something i normally do in my own home; but I'm working and they need washing. Today for me has actually gone by almost fast...I am jut excited for my paycheck tomorrow. I have to start cleaning my house really good since my mother-in law is flying n to visit this Friday. Her house isn't that clean; but i want mine to look way cleaner than hers. It ll be something to keep me busy though. Today is going to by a busy day after i get off work maybe not busy but, ore than most. I get to go home around 5pm then maybe clean up, do laundry, go to the gym, and probably have Mc Donald's for dinner. We don't eat fast food that often, but we really need to go to the market. I just hate when are fridge is empty, but now its are pantry and are fridge, so this grocery trip will last us awhile. I hate that I dont know how to do that extreme couponing thing, since that looks like it save tons of money. We don't have  much money but every time we try to find coupons it doesn't really work out. Its harder than it looks.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Where did it Go

I'm not sure why in my life i missed out on a lot of things? I wanted all those friend photos; going to adventurous places. Having fun times and lots of friends. I don't have that and never really fully did. My group of friends kind of slowly separated after sophomore year. I still stayed friends with my bestie. Towards the end of the year we weren't really friends. I had grown closer to another friend; that actually went to the same high school as me. I don't regret my choices; maybe I should have given myself more time to grow and party. In the end i am happy at where i am. Hopefully in the near future I can reconnect and become closer with my step sister Amber and we can become best friends.That's where I'm hoping it goes. Also cant wait to move out of this town, to bullhead city, AZ and be by her my father. Also a lot closer to my parent and family. It will be wonderful when all this will happen.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What a dumb Day

Quite frankly today was a waste on my day and time. A lazy day since I'm trying to save gas till I get paid next. I'm still sick but my husband got me to go to the gym...I worked out harder than him. So almost every time I looked he wasn't even working out, he would be talking to his friend that is working out. Since i am sick I worked out for about an hour; then go over to him cause I want to go and my nose is runny. He doesn't want to leave. Dude! your not working out. WTF. Whatever then he has the nerve to say you can come back and get me; fuck that! I got pizza and a powerade, also some gas. He can make his own damn dinner. He sometimes doesn't even think; I'm sick and have no one to talk to for a about a year now. He doesn't even realize what I go thru everyday. Since it is hard for me to no talk to anyone besides him. I hate living in this town I cant wait to get my air plane ticket and fly home to visit my family alone!

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Purse?

Most girls today carry a purse or a bag. Its whats inside that bag that not many people know. First your mainly looking in your purse, but personally I am curious what is in others bags. I mean you don't just go digging in some girls bag; its quite rude. When I see a really cute bag, sometimes I would just like to see the inside also. To me its interesting to know what others carry, sometimes it'll give me an idea; like hey maybe I will need that one day. Every purse is different though, since some girls carry more make up and others carry totally random things. Also there are purses where the owner doesn't even know what she may have in there. I like to change my bags often, so they are decently clean; besides my wrappers and things. I am one of those girls that like a little organization, i try to find purses where i can throw things in it; to make it messy. That doesn't work out for me since I seem to end up fixing it and placing things in a certain spot. Its something to work on. Also, most girls have a bag in a bag; since the makeup shouldn't just be thrown in there...but you'll never know what the women next to you has in her purse will you?

Next Stages

Trying to work and also being sick is challenging. Runny nose, watery eyes, throat hurting. Its just one of those things you dread. I'm not sure if its the season where people start to get sick...maybe i started early. I know i would love some medicine right about now. Rain too, so i can have warm soup; that would feel good. I will probably get my husband sick too, but he doesn't mind since he still gets paid if he misses days from work. I will be happy when it is winter again, only so are house will be cold and i Can snuggle up in blankets. Hope the rest of my day goes by fast; since tomorrow is the weekend!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

stepping across the states

I finally get to go home to visit my family. Also it is good to get out of this boring town and go back home to California and shop. I get to visit my grandparent and parents which i am excited for. I'm very happy that I will see my grandpa, and my brother. I have been debating going home since money is really tight right now, since all the things that have been going on. Now that I have had my job for a few months its helping. This September is the month that i can actually start to save money, which I am happy about so when I go home I will at least have 500 dollars saved up. This month of August thought I would have to use my en of the month paycheck to buy my airplane ticket, which is around 215$ going out of Denver; its way cheaper. I have a lot to look forward to. I would be surprising my family, and that's a good thing. I would love to see my brother and moms faces. It makes me happy just thinking about it. My grandparents would be shock too but in a very good way. We shall see how things will go.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The next open door

I'm glad i have made you with my best friend, things were a bit weird, but all goo now. In a weird way people seem to need a girl that's a bff and a guy that's going to be able to marry. Either way it like you cant just have one, you have two. Which is good since everyone needs an outlet or freedom to not just be a wife. Besides i love hanging out with her, we have been friends for about 5 years i think...either way She will probably be my child's guardian one day. Anyways, things are going quite well I got a new car, its really cute favorite color too maroon. Hopefully things will start to look up for me. Since May i haven't had the  greatest of luck. Now that i started a new job, hopefully it ll make things easier, money wise. I have even yet to go a a small shopping spree with my money  made working. I have been trying to just get buy. I'm starting to save a lot more, so hopefully i can go shopping soon. I haven't gone since i lived with my mom. Anywho days almost over. after next

Today has gone by almost fast, today I'm working which is not bad. Least i will get off around for today. So that new show Awkward is actually really good; i think. Most people can probably relate to it, I know I can relate to her and what she is going through; besides the suicide part at least. They should make  it an hour instead of 30 minutes. Probably, since Teen Mom is that night they don't. Secert Life has been soo good lately. That show has been my favorite since it first started my freshman year  in high school, I'm graduated now, so I hope they keep going with it somehow.